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Vocational Assessments for Education Law in Lombard, Illinois

Parents of children with special needs are faced with a daily struggle to evaluate their child’s needs and advocate for them in all aspects of life. This includes advocacy in education and the development of an IEP. 

All too quickly, the child matures into a teen, and questions arise as to what the future will hold for them. Will they be able to work? What kinds of jobs will they qualify for? Should they go to college? What challenges will they face in the workplace and how must these be handled? Where do I find help for my child? 

Help Your Children Take
the Next Steps in Life


These questions must be addressed as early as possible in the educational process once the child is sufficiently developed and mature to gain insight into levels of General Educational Development, aptitude, and interest. 

Vocamotive counselors are experts in vocational rehabilitation and job placement. For them, evaluating and placing a child with a physical or cognitive disability is no different from serving anybody else. It is about understanding the unique characteristics of the individual and matching them to the kinds of jobs that are fit to their innate ability and aptitude, as well as their education and personality. 

Get help with vocational evaluation, testing, consultation, IEP development, and job placement.